i love the dnt workshop..and i survived!!whoo hoo!!
mr farhan and miss didier is our so called instructor.they rox big time lahh.!
i design the lamp,nadiah choose the colours,yana and intan helped to make it.it's so fun..and seriouslyy..i wont regret..i didnt know that our classmates are all talented in designing their products..it's like..WOW.and all of them are so cute and very beautifully done.*clapping
my group,i designed an umbrella style.it's so nice.cos miss didier helped us out.very talented lahh..mr.farhan also..seriouslyy..the rox.hahah.! nadiah and yana were like taking pictures of all the products..mr.farhan too..well..all the best to the top 5 lamps!
walked home with yana and we took the mass run route..we want to excercise..so..we walked the long way..it's fun..cos the both of us are releasing our angers inside our hearts..i bought potato chips and sunkist drinks.and i thought that i want to eat it at home but then mum and my siblings were already home.so..i've gotta wait till 6.50+ to break fast.
just chatted with shidah,anshari and sharil izwan..an and sharil are really nice people to chat with.seriouslyy.no kidding peps.
i think i'm gonna miss the 2n1s..they rox big time..although the time where we need to go through tough obstacles together and stuff..i just love all..oh..and i OWE ANDY & YI HENG mentos.hahah.
alwites..gotta go pepos..
take good care of yourself..